I'm fine

I'm fine with distance.

I'm fine with long distance relationship whatsoever

It's just that I can't stop myself from missing him. :')

I want to hear his voice everyday, I want to see his face everyday.

but I know, life is busy. I am busy. He is busy.

just go with the flow ja Erik!

last 22nd March, was his birthday.

thanks to KakHanto sbb susah payah pi beli kek & celebrated him. :')

"hng takbole mai, ak la kna mai sb dia slalu kata muka aku mcm muka hg. mmgla muka hng mcm muka aku sb aku kak hng kan."- kak Hanto, 2013.

Aku taktau mcm mn nk wish him from afar. So I plagiarised Ned's idea. hehehe.

buat placard & tgkp gamaq & post it to FB.

khas utk birthday boy :')

*conteng2 ketas* itu la jwpn aku bila dia tanya; "syg buat ape tu?" padahai tgh tungkus lumus lukeh cupcake.


aku mms dia jugak. 

Goku replied; "thnks syg..so sweet..hehe"
                      "thnks syg uat mcm tu sekali..comel sgt..hehe :D"

Ni pulak bila KakHanto mai & bwk birthday cake & surprised him bila dia duk khusyuk fry mushrooms. hahaha. so sweet my Goku. *ni first time aku tgok dia pakai key ataih kepala, selalu dia ikat key tu kat leher ja*

mohon abaikan org belakang itu -___-" tgok muka birthday boy yg tekejut tp still maintain comel. tskk tskk gedik!

see, I love you dude :D
I wished I was there, to celebrate your day, but takpala noh? next next next time kan ada :') *acah2 sweet ja ayat*

B, selamat hari jadi, dengan ucapan; semoga kekal; maintain kacak, comel, cute, gedik, mengada, bergaya, mutu keunggulan? ehh, hahaha lastly, semoga Goku & Bulma kekal hopefully sampai bila bila. amin :')

swinging in the air~~


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